A mysterious ruin: enormous blocks made with mechanical precision in hard rock


    Zijn het negroide mensen uit Afrika die in Mexico de baas waren?


    Manufacturing and dragging enormous blocks of limestone was no problem in ancient times.


    In Scotland there are mysterious fortresses that have been destroyed by an infernal fire: the stones have been melted and sintered together

  • Petrie Museum London

    This very thin limestone bowl that looks like a folded pancake is made with mechanical precision.


What is this website about?

There are many things in the past and present that go against what "most scientists" experience as correct. But science is not a majority-vote democracy. It is also about explaining that one deviation. All moon rocks are 4.5 billion years old, but one is actually eight and a half billion years old. Doesn't that count? No, it doesn't count, say “most scientists” because we will certainly find a logical explanation for the one exception in the future. But maybe that one was the right one and all the others weren't...

The pattern is always the same: every truth goes through three stages: at first it is ridiculed, then it is fiercely contested, and at the final stage it is an accepted fact that has always been that way. Alfred Wegener, who invented the moving continents, was laughed at. Galileo Galilei had to swallow his ideas of the spherical Earth or he would end up at the stake. And Mrs. Svetla Balabanova, who showed with hard facts that the ancient Egyptians were addicted to cocaine and tobacco from South America, was publicly ridiculed.

There are many facts that scientists do not know what to do with. “We simply ignore,” a polite Englishman would say. And that's what happens. People keep repeating the “plausible explanation” even though they know it is incorrect. But if you repeat it enough times, it will become the real truth over time. The “fact” ends up in the history and school books and no one will question it anymore. With copper chisels you can make a granite statue like the Egyptians did countless times, can't you?

The purpose of this website and the four books is to provide insight into these anomalies, so to speak, mysteries. Highlighting the facts and following in the footsteps of the first researchers so that the reader can form their own opinion.

Even though a mystery remains a mystery, facts remain facts

NOTE: Part-I, II and III were previously published under different titles.

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